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Casabloga List on IMDb

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

This is just a small thing I did and thought I’d share it here. I’m not sure if anyone noticed, but in my Casabloga reviews, I always link to the film’s Wikipedia article. Well, starting with Unfriended, the review I just posted, I’m now going to link to the film’s IMDb page. I probably should have been doing that all along, but for some reason I didn’t like IMDb. I used to use it all the time, and in fact I created my account back in 2011 and used it frequently until a few years ago. But I logged into my account earlier tonight and now like it again. No idea why I didn’t.

IMDb Lifetime


Anyway, I have a ton of movies in my Watchlist, and was going through updating it with all the movies I can remember watching in the years since I’ve been away, when I had an idea. They have an option to make your own list, so I made one with all of the films I’ve reviewed in the Casabloga series.

Here’s a link to the list, if anyone is interested.

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